Voluparts always tries to carry only high-quality aftermarket Volvo parts.
We know that most customers would want to buy exclusively Genuine Volvo parts, if only they were more affordable. And we know that many people wonder if the aftermarket parts they find online are as cheaply made as the price indicates. That's why we've tried over 30+ years of trial & error to offer our customers the best "bang for the buck" aftermarket Volvo parts. We only sell what we believe are quality replacement parts that do the same thing the original ones did. Sure, some people want to spice up their Volvos - but most of our customers just want to keep them running!
We've been selling Volvo parts locally since 1977 - so we're not some online store that sprang up overnight and sells parts that are shipped from 'blind' warehouses. Everything we sell we get to look at first, and being a local shop, we sell most parts face-to-face. If a part isn't up to snuff, we'll know. We decide whether to start or stop selling a certain type of aftermarket part by examining new product additions carefully & from feedback from actual customers, not based on what costs the least.
All of our new aftermarket Volvo parts are warrantied for 1 Year, just like our Genuine Volvo & OEM parts.